• Update: 12/11/24 see article below from National Consumer Law Center, Inc. "NCLC": 15 Ways to Fight Foreclosure of Zombie Second Mortgages Introduction: Zombie mortgages, particularly "zombie second mortgages," are a troubling phenomenon where old, seemingly [...]

  • Arizona Residential Eviction Actions Procedures – effective July 15, 2021 IT IS ORDERED that the following procedures are applicable to eviction actions governed by Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 33, filed [...]

  • Analysis of Enforcement of Money Judgments in Arizona Against a Judgment Debtor’s Residence / “Homestead” Property By Larry O. Folks (10/26/20) (reprinted with permission of author) Relevant Background Facts Judgment Creditor obtained a money [...]

  • As of 3/20/20: NOTE THE FOLLOWING ARE FEDERAL LOAN PROGRAMS and DON’T APPLY TO PRIVATE or CONVENTIONAL LOANS: A list of what the different federal lenders are doing in regard to foreclosures: […]

  • Announcement from NCLC:  The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread disruption in the daily lives of millions of people worldwide, and the hardest hit are the vulnerable people, families, and communities at the core of NCLC’s [...]

  • Urban African American neighborhoods are hardest hit as nearly 100,000 loans have failed. 6/2019 By Nick Penzenstadler and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, read extensive report – article from USA TODAY Reverse mortgages – thousands of seniors, [...]

  • WARNING TO THE WISE: Never do a short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, allow a trustee’s sale, or a foreclosure to go forward without first obtaining both legal and tax advice. You cannot undo [...]

  • On May 24, 2018 a permanent extension of the “Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act” (PTFA) was signed into federal law.  The PTFA enables renters whose homes were in foreclosure to [...]

  • Published On: February 15, 2018

    Reprint from Lexology, by Richard Crouch: Vandeventer Black LLP    USA February 14 2018 Looming maturity dates (for which borrowers are not prepared to pay the remaining balance) or other monetary defaults of numerous commercial [...]

  • The problem, say advocates, is that many senior homeowners don’t understand the fine print in a reverse mortgage. Some wrongly assume the lender will pay the taxes and insurance. But fall behind on those payments [...]