Law Office of D.L. Drain, P.A., Bankruptcy Lawyer
Since 1991 we helped over 2,500 people find financial security.
Bankruptcy filing could be challenging. You are never just a number and a paycheck to me; as a renowned bankruptcy lawyer, I am committed to treating you with dignity. Instead, you have unique needs because you are a unique person. I’m committed to helping you help yourself when you’re going through a challenging time in your life. If bankruptcy is necessary, it won’t spell the end of your financial existence; rather, it will mark the start of your path to independence. It is the beginning of a nightmare if done incorrectly.. Read more about Diane…
Diane L. Drain
“Knowledge dispels fear”
Individual & Small Business Bankruptcy
The process of declaring bankruptcy for an individual person, small corporation, or both is challenging
As a bankruptcy attorney, I am aware that filing for bankruptcy is challenging and needs to be handled carefully. A lot of people use inexperienced attorneys or file for bankruptcy on their own. A nightmare may be about to begin. These people misplace their inheritance, cars, tax returns, and other valuables. These problems are typically preventable with careful bankruptcy planning.
The automatic stay, which acts like a “magical” cloak when a bankruptcy petition is filed, shields the debtor and their possessions. This canopy is so powerful that it discourages almost everyone, even the IRS. Until a bankruptcy court orders differently, no mortgage company, bill collector, or creditor may intervene with the debtor or any of the debtor’s assets.
We pledge to give every client the best advice we are capable of giving. Here are some feedback from some of my clients.

For Fellow Lawyers
Basic Legal Information for Lawyers
For other lawyers t he profession of law is getting trickier and trickier every day. The time of the “do-it-all” lawyer is over. Not because a single attorney cannot or should not provide competent legal and practical advice in a variety of legal areas, but rather because they should not.
New laws, rulings from the courts, regulations, and administrative procedures are implemented every day, and they all immediately affect existing laws. Each of these changes has an impact on several legal areas. For instance, a change in tax law can affect real estate or bankruptcy laws. if an existing state statute is immediately affected by a federal court judgment.

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As a Law Professor & Bankruptcy Attorney, I told my students that parts of bankruptcy are magical.
It is my intention to inform you of all your alternatives and the entire procedure. I also assist you with future planning. Our company is committed to quality rather than quantity.