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bankruptcyIn many cases, filing for bankruptcy is your best financial option. However, that doesn’t mean your head, heart and wallet are in sync. Bankruptcy can be difficult to accept emotionally. When you’re facing bankruptcy, it is normal to be overwhelmed by feelings of loss and frustration. There are a few steps you can take to help relieve the emotional stress that accompanies your financial situation.

  1. Think Proactively      

It can be very difficult not to focus on the negative aspects of declaring bankruptcy. You may be losing a business you’ve put an enormous amount of time and money into building or a home you’ve raised your family in. At the very least, you are admitting that, whether it was your fault or not, you ended up under water. The best way to tear your mind away from these negative feelings is to stay focused. Make a detailed calendar that includes the steps you need to take toward having your debts discharged, and focus on the process.

  1. Remember the Positives

The process of filing for bankruptcy is complex and often frustrating. However, take some solace in knowing the Automatic Stay granted by filing for bankruptcy protection will get the harassing debt collectors off your back. Know that when your filing process is complete, you will have a clean slate and be back on the road to good financial health.

  1. Have a Great Team

The most important thing you can do to avoid an unnecessarily painful emotional experience with bankruptcy is to surround yourself with people who want to help. This means being open with family members, and accepting their support.

In addition, choosing an experienced bankruptcy lawyer who has been through this before with other families can really be helpful legally and emotionally. No matter how you feel about bankruptcy, your attorney has seen the benefits of getting through the process. It’s good to have a knowledgeable advisor on your team.