• What are the Basic Bankruptcy Principles? Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps people and businesses overwhelmed by debt get a financial ‘start fresh’. The principles of discharge, disclosure, and due process are key to [...]

  • Published On: April 25, 2021

    There is so much mis-information about bankruptcy and how it works, or does not work.  Know your options before making any decision to file or not to file bankruptcy or participate in a "debt [...]

  • Are you financially stressed right now? What to know about options, from debt negotiation to bankruptcy Russ Wiles, Arizona Republic, Arizona Republic Interviews Diane L. Drain about debt relief, including [...]

  • Download the audio LAWGITIMATE Attorney Diane Drain and Bobby Zavala with University of Dubuque Diane Drain established her law firm in 1991 in order to provide education for those facing financial troubles. She [...]

  • In re Hindra v. Dockery, US Trustee & Deutsche Bank, BAP No. CC-18-1132-KuTaF (9th Circuit, Jan 29, 2019) In 2016  the debtor, using an attorney, filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy and everything went downhill from [...]

  • THE PERILS OF BANKRUPTCY FILINGS BY UNDOCUMENTED PERSONS By Richard J. Parker: Shareholder in Parker, Butte, & Lane, P.C. (reprinted with permission of the author, December, 2017) Immigration status is a complex legal issue for [...]

  •   Your home is your most valuable asset. Over the last 30+ years of helping people file for bankruptcy protection the most concern by homeowners is if they will lose their home.  My [...]

  • Published On: April 4, 2018

    How long after bankruptcy do I have to wait before buying a home? So many questions about bankruptcy. Anyone who either filed for bankruptcy or is considering it has asked “how long before [...]

  • Published On: February 21, 2018

    Pamela Foohey, Indiana University Maurer School of Law Robert M. Lawless, University of Illinois College of Law Katherine M. Porter,  University of California – Irvine School of Law Deborah Thorne,  University of Idaho Date Written: February 20, 2018  [...]

  • Bankruptcy is a tool.  Any tool can be misused which can cause serious damage.  Just ask the idiot who sticks a fork in a live electrical socket. […]